Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Are You Going to Vote Democrat?

If so, you need to read this blog entry; if you know someone who will, then tell them to read it. It's entitled:

"The BIBLE SAYS if you vote for a democrat and were to die thereafter you would go to hell"

by Dennis Marcellino and it can be found at:

Read it.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Nudity in the Church

I've just read a post at entitled, "Too Much Skin? Christian Minister Talks Lust, Modesty, Fashion", by Katherine Weber. She, in turn, was writing about a post a pastor in Ohio made on his blog, the title was, "Butts and Boobs". His post was about the way young people dress during the spring and summer months.

In a nutshell, his post was about the way young women and teen dress during the warm months of the year. Basically, whether intentionally or not, they dressed to entice lust. This was a good article and I suggest you take a look at it.

One of the best lines in the article was, "The Ohio minister added that men will always, on a physiological level, have lustful feelings toward women." That's right. I don't care who you are, sir. You are programmed to find women attractive. We see a woman showing a lot of skin and we men are naturally prone to desire that woman.

Christians have the Holy Spirit and the desire to follow God to help us avoid lusting after women, but we do fail. How many times have you read or heard about a pastor caught in a sexual predicament? It's not as if that pastor set out to fall in this manner; but men have a natural desire for women. And the natural urges of a man are hard to tame.

Pornography is a multi-billion dollar business these days; why is that? It's because it preys on man's most primal desires. Evil men take advantage of weaker men or of men who have no desire to control themselves in this area. Most men enjoy porn because most men do not know God nor His Son. 

As Christian men, we should despise pornography! Just as we should despise women who go out in public half, or more, naked. The church should be a safe haven for men where we don't have to guard our eyes and fight lust with every turn of the head we make.

But, from my experience, pastor are too afraid of offending someone to enforce the Bible's dress code. I currently attend a church where one of the teen girls wears the shortest of shorts almost every Sunday. Why isn't the youth minister saying something to her? Why isn't the Senior pastor saying something to the youth minister about not saying something to her?

I attended a mega-church in Texas where a very attractive woman sang in the choir; she was always on the front row wearing an extremely short skirt or dress every single Sunday. I commented time again to my wife about the pastors allowing that to continue. Finally, I mentioned it to the pastor, telling him that I didn't appreciate her apparel; only then did it change.

Another time, My family was seeking a new church home in Bellevue, Washington when on our third visit to a church, the pastor called the winner of a cook-off to the front of the church. the winner was the 13-year-old daughter of the associate pastor (she was introduced as such) and her attire consisted of a T-shirt and jean short cut off at her crotch! Can you imagine a pastor allowing his daughter to dress like a slut?!

The church has really fallen down in this area. Could it be because even pastors are enjoying the "eye candy" that is flaunted at us today? If the church does not present a safe haven for men, what will?

Pastors, stand your ground!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

You deserve... Really?

I was half listening to a TV commercial today when I heard the phrase, "You deserve it." This is not the first time I've heard this phrase in a commercial either on television or on the radio. I don't recall hear this phrase as often in the past so it's gotten me to thinking. Could this phrase be tied to what is happening in the Obama political world?

Obama is telling everyone that they deserve this, and they deserve that, all regardless of the effort put forth on their part. And now I'm hearing that I DESERVE every product being advertised. Obama, the liberal news media, and now advertisements are all working together to brainwash us all in that we deserve any and every thing we desire. There is absolutely no reason, according to them, for anyone not having what we want.

But, the Bible tells us differently. In 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12, it says: "For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.” We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread they eat."

If this is the rule for food, a very basic need for life, how much more for the thing that are not necessary but only desired? Luke 12:15 says, "Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." There's nothing wrong with wanting things, as long as it is not in excess; notice the word abundance in the verse above. 

God enjoys giving us good things. But we are not to be greedy about it. Nor are we always to desire everything we see. God expects us to live happy, useful, helpful lives. An Obamian-style life, filled with unearned and unneeded handouts is not please to God.

No one deserves anything. God's unearned mercy and forgiveness is a blessing beyond description and anything else from Him is icing on the cake. His love for us should be all that we desire; it's all that should make us happy.

This is a hard thing for us to comprehend, let alone put into practice. But practice it we must. Thank you Lord.